Representation that Veterans Deserve.
Whether you are a clinician trying to navigate through tedious administrative procedures or a veteran in need of assistance with military compensation legislation, our experienced team of ADF veterans are here to help.
About Us.
When Kristian founded AVAC Services at the start of 2021, it was the culmination of his personal journey. As an ex-member of the ADF himself, Kristian knew all too well how hard it can be to transition back into civilian life. With this knowledge, he set out on a mission: to make a change and provide a better alternative to the current ESO services available across Australia. Today, under Kristian's leadership, there is an ever-expanding team dedicated to ensuring that our veterans have every opportunity for success after service, that they are treated with dignity and respect, and that they have access to individualised quality care that allows them to thrive as civilians once again.
We are dedicated to honouring our service members and are passionate about helping them obtain their rightfully earned military compensation. By cutting through any bureaucratic barriers standing in their way, we ensure that every veteran can access assistance with ease—giving an extra hand when it's needed most!

AVAC Services Logo
The symbolic red poppy has become an iconic representation of Australia's military service and tradition, observed at national remembrance services each year. The AVAC Services logo consists of the same impressionistic depiction to remind us all of hope, regeneration and remembrance - concepts that form the heart of our organisation's veteran advocacy work.

AVAC Services’ mission is to overcome barriers to veteran wellbeing by providing the professional representation that veterans deserve.
"All veterans living their best post-service lives"
AVAC Services is just one piece of a larger puzzle—a community of ex-service organisations working together to support our veterans and improve their overall wellbeing. By collaborating with non-profit ESOs, professional services, volunteer organisations, and medical providers, we aim to extend our reach and make a real impact in the lives of our ADF population. Our broader vision of a world where all veterans are living their best lives is served by understanding the role of Claims Advocacy in the context of societal attitudes and the overall wellbeing of our serving and ex-serving personnel in order to create lasting, positive change for our servicemen and women.